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This season will focus on the  2024/2025 calendar year age matrix.  

We will offer the following Brackets 

7v7 for 2017/18, 2016, 2015, 

9v9 for 2014 & 2013. 

11v11 for 2012 & Older.

We strive to give you a great experience. Top competition with competitive brackets. Come join us for a great Fall season of soccer fun in beautiful Southern California.

Games will be played Saturday and or Sunday.

(Might have to make up any missed games by playing 2 games in 1 day)





Check-in game day

Failure to check-in will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament without a refund of the League fee. 


Players Cards: Only 2024/2025 ID's will be accepted.

At  “Check-in ,” teams must provide the required credentials.

All U.S. teams must provide valid player identification cards with a photograph.


United States Youth Soccer Association teams  U.S. teams registered through U.S. Club Soccer or Cal South must provide valid Players of their affiliation.

No player card, no play.

All coaches must have a team binder which consist of Player Medical Liability/Media Release form & Birth certificates for each player on hand.


Teams must follow the Age Group requirements

(2024 / 2025 season) from US Soccer birth year for each age group. 

Teams/Individuals can choose to play up in age bracket if they wish.


Players will be allowed within the maximum roster of players 

Teams U8-U10 could register up to 12 players

Teams U11-U12 could register up to 16 players.

Teams U13 thru U19 could register up to 22 players.

All players must be current USYSA/USSF or National equivalent players and can only play for one team.

Club Pass Players: A Player may ONLY be rostered to one team as their Primary Team. Players may only club pass within the same club per club pass rules. Club Pass players are only players within the same club.

Players are not allowed to play in multiple teams in multiple clubs within the league.


(Applies to all ages)

● Players may play no more than 2 games per day.

● Players may play 2 games within the same club, but cannot play in the same flight / bracket.

(As an example - a 2014 player can play for a 2014 team but can not play for another team in the same Bracket / Flight.

However, the player may play for a team within the club in the 2013 Bracket)

● Players that play up in an age group as their Primary team may be club-passed to a team in their actual age group.

(Example: Billy, born in 2012 plays on a 2010 team as his primary team may be club passed to play on a 2012 team because his age is appropriate for that team as well)

Flights In divisions which have a large number of teams, Flight 1 and Flight 2 will be created if the following criteria have been met:

1. Will only apply to divisions that have 12 or more teams​

Game Day

All teams must check in at the field marshal table 30 minutes prior to each game. All players and a coach must be present at the time of the field check-in with field marshal. A team that fails to report fifteen minutes prior to scheduled kick-off will forfeit the game. Prior to the start of each game the team Player identification cards and team roster will be dropped off with the field marshal and picked up after the match. The team manager or coach will verify the score of the match with a signature (expected to sign immediately after the match). The player identification cards and roster may be picked up at this time after both team officials have verified the score with a signature. No card, no play.



FIFA Laws of the Game will apply as modified by USYSA as described herein.
Duration of Game and Overtime by halves and Ball size


2012 & Older - Ball Size 5
2018 - 2013 - Ball Size 4


Referees have been instructed to start the game on time.


Home team: Light Color Jersey

Away Team: Dark Color Jersey

Home Team

The team listed as the home team, is responsible for providing 3 game balls.

If their is a uniform conflict, the team listed as the home team must change uniforms (Jerseys).


* Group Play - All group games will be called not less than five (5) minutes prior to the start of the next scheduled game without regard to the amount of time played in each half up to that point. A game is “complete” upon completion of one half. The final result will be based upon the score at the time the game is called. Group play games can end in a tie.

** Playoffs games tied after regulation will have the match decided by FIFA Penalty Kicks, which will immediately follow the end of the regulation.


Substitutions shall be unlimited.

Substitutions may be made, with the consent of the referee, at any stoppage in play. (USYSA Rule 302 Cal South Rule 2.9)

Players Equipment

 all  equipment will be approved at the discretion of the Center referee who will determine the safety and suitability of a player’s equipment.


All coaches will be responsible for the conduct of their players (on and off the field), and spectators at all time. Coaching from the sideline is permitted, provided:

  • The tone of voice is instructive and not derogatory;

  • Each coach stays within 10 yards of the halfway line;

  • No coach, players, or spectators make derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coach, players, or spectators;

  • No coach, player, or spectator uses any profanity or incites disruptive behavior;

  • Instruction is directed at one’s own team

Cautions and Ejections

A player receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game is considered to have been given an ejection (red card). A player who has been ejected (sent off), will not be replaced. A player who has been ejected will not return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game(s). A player who is ejected for violent conduct or serious foul play will not be allowed to participate in the next TWO scheduled games. Any player or coach who assaults a referee will be expelled from the League. A coach who has been ejected (sent off) will be suspended the same as a player ejection.

During game suspension(s) for coaches, there can be NO contact between the team and the coach during the game and the coach must be out of sight and sound of the field. Additionally, the coach must not be involved in unacceptable conduct (defined as coaching his/her players by any means or method, or harassment of opponents/players/referees/staff). Failure to adhere to this rule will result an immediate ejection from the tournament for the coach.

Suspended and Terminated Games

If, in the opinion of the referee, a game must be suspended (for reason), the game may be resumed, but is subject to being ended not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game.

If, in the opinion of the referee, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, bench, coaches, or spectators; the offending team could be suspended from further play and will forfeit that game and depending on the severity of the offense, all remaining games and be removed from the league. All previous points earned will be awarded as forfeits. Additionally, the home league and State Association will be contacted as appropriate.


Delays of the game due to injury will result in appropriate time being added to the full game time, based on the judgment of the referee. However, all preliminary games will be terminated not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game.

Referee Decisions

The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play are final. The referee may only change a decision upon realizing that it is incorrect or, at his/her discretion, on the advice of an assistant referee, provided that he/she has not restarted play.


(Determination of standings within a group)

  • Three (3) points for a win

  • One (1) point for a tie

  •  Zero (0) points for a loss

  • Forfeit is​ scored as 2-0 and Winner receives  (3) points, 

  • Red Cards receive a one (1) point deduction. Coaches ejections as well will have point deduction

Determining Winners, 2nd Place, and Wild-Cards in Group Play

In the event of a two team tie, this tie-breaking procedure shall be used if necessary to determine 1st and 2nd place standings within a flight:

  1. Head to head results

  2. Winner of most games

  3. Least goals allowed in all games played within the team’s flight.

  4. Cumulative goal differential between goals scored and goals allowed in all games played within the team’s flight

  5. Kicks from the penalty spot per FIFA Law

If more than 2 teams are tied, head to head will be dropped and we'll move to the next tie-breaker

Forfeiture Rule

In the event that a team forfeits one of its preliminary games, the opposing team shall be awarded seven (3) points for a win, and the forfeiting team zero (0) points for the loss.  A team that does not show up to their scheduled game, they will forfeit, and the team must pay double ref fee

(Ref Fees to cover both teams) as forfeit fee, and games will not be scheduled for that team until forfeit fees has been paid.

Home Team

The Home Team will be the team which appears first on the game schedule. The game ball during Group Play will be supplied by the Home team. The game ball will be subject to Referee approval. The Home Team will be required to switch to alternate jerseys to accommodate a color conflict as declared by the referees. 


No Protests Will Be Allowed after a game has been finalized at the field.


Game conduct is under the jurisdiction of the referee and the tournament will not overrule a referee's decision. All disputes off the field of play will be settled by the Tournament Director or his designee, and the decision will be final.

Team Awards will be given to the first and second place team members. Champions will receive team trophy and medals. Finalist will receive medals.



Field Rules

  1. All participants and spectators must strictly adhere to Field rules:

  2. No dogs are allowed 

  3. No sunflower seeds allowed 

  4. No trash left on floor; Use trash cans available throughout fields

  5. No gum allowed at synthetic turf field

  6. Only water allowed at synthetic turf field

  7. Only players and coaches allowed on turf field/ track area

  8.  All spectators must be on bleachers area.


Field Cleanup

Teams are responsible for field cleanup following their games.

Teams must take care of playing fields and adjacent facilities, and make a reasonable effort to remove litter left by their players and spectators.

All participants and spectators that violate the above rules will be removed from premises and not be allowed to return.

Refund Policy:

Once team has been accepted, NO REFUNDS.


Natural Events:
 if the tournament is canceled as a result of Weather, acts of terrorism or any acts out of our control such as a Pandemic, teams will receive credit for the following season.

Fees per Team

refereefees .PNG
  • alt.text.label.Instagram

©2018-2025 by

Pacific Regional Soccer League

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