Spring Challenge 2023
Boys & Girls Brackets
2004 thru 2017
8 Games Guaranteed*
+ PLAYOFFS & Final
Registration Fees: $399
Teams can request blackout dates
(Tournaments, State Cup, etc)
Fields: Clubs can provide home fields for their teams or
League can provide fields if needed.
CHAMPIONS - Team trophy & medals
Finalist - medals
March 4th - May 13th 2023
Saturday & / or Sunday
Play Format:
2017-2014 = 7v7
2013-2012 = 9v9
2011-200 = 11v11
Spring Challenge 2023
Tournament Rules, Regulations and Procedures
Make sure to visit our League Rules for the Spring Challenge.
Our Got Sports page will be the final word for all schedules, scores,
rules, regulations and procedures.
The Tournament Director and Committee shall maintain the right to independently make new and possibly conflicting rules or regulations on the tournament web site at anytime.
*This is a Got Sports event, the schedules and scores will be posted to the appropriate links.